Korry Electronics
Customer Resource Center


Product Returns, Repairs, and Technical Support

For Returns:

Kindly Fill Korry RMA request form

Korry RMA request form

CMM & SB Index

Instructions for obtaining documents

For Technical Support, Email: techsupport@korry.com

1. If you are a tier-1 operator of a Boeing aircraft, the latest supplier component maintenance data for Korry products can be accessed free of charge on www.MyBoeingFleet.com. If you are unable to locate the data on My Boeing Fleet, please contact your Boeing field service rep for help in finding and accessing the document. Please note you are under obligation to safeguard the intellectual property of technical publications obtained from My Boeing Fleet.
2. If you are part of an entity other than a Boeing tier-1 operator searching for a Korry service bulletins, please email the sales department: korry.sales@korry.com Please state the type of organization you belong to (MRO or non-tier-1 operator), the document reference, your reason for obtaining the document, and the operator for whom you plan to perform designated maintenance (if applicable).

Manuals and service bulletins for Korry products

Purchase Orders

Please attach purchase orders in an email to korry.orders@korry.com.

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